Break your barriers and empower yourself

Dance Movement therapy is founded on the principle that motion and emotion are interconnected. Motion brings the mind into the moment and helps in releasing old negative or limiting patterns which prevents one from going forward with ease. Movement with awareness enables one to imbibe new positive patterns. Overcoming these blocks allows one to trust their inner guide and proceed with confidence. Dance movement therapy gives one a “Pause Factor” a referral tool, which aids one to observe, re-assess, re-evaluate and respond with awareness. This enables one to be more empowered and influence the situation effectively. Dance movement therapy helps one to be more natural, expressive and receptive to incorporating new attitudes, behaviors and thinking.

Sustained training and practice of movement therapy helps one to connect deeply with oneself and live more in the present. Creativity is enhanced and one is able to see life and situations from a broader perspective.

What are your benefits?

  • Body is more fit, flexible and in tune with the mind and emotions.
  • Mind comes to the present moment and awareness is enhanced.
  • Guided sessions can help identify negative emotions, release them and replace them with positive ones. Movement which allows for Non verbal communication which helps to express emotions with ease.
  • Breaks isolation and helps to alleviate depression.
  • Improves motor and cognitive functions.
  • Increases harmony between body, breath and mind.
  • Increases serotonin the “feel good factor.”


  • The trainer: Miss Leena Gupta
  • These sessions are informative and experiential. Each session has a theme attached.
  • Sessions are customized to suit client requirement.
  • The group size should be preferably ten or more in even numbers.
  • Each program module requires 60- 90 minutes.
  • Workshops can vary from 45 minutes to 3 day workshops.
  • Participants can be across tenures and levels.

For 2-3 day workshops there will be one re-connect session of 45 min post the program to reinforce the techniques.

Participants will receive information on self care and Dance Therapy daily practice techniques and a music cd of song selection played on session.